Adobe(TM) Acrobat(TM) Reader UNIX(R) Read Me Notes for Version 2.1 This Read Me file contains last-minute product information for Acrobat Reader 2.1. The "Installation and Getting Started Guide" information and the online guide (Help-Reader.pdf) will also provide essential information to help you begin using Acrobat Reader. What's New in Acrobat Reader 2.1 ================================ Acrobat 2.1 contains many new features and improvements over Acrobat 1.0. All features are described in the Help-Reader.pdf document. Changes of note include: we no longer require nor install Display PostScript (TM) or DPS-NX; the ability to follow cross-document links, including embedded URLs; and the ability to open secured files. Acrobat Reader now accepts some specially enabled plug-ins, which enable users to take advantage of new capabilities in PDF files created with Acrobat Exchange. Two new plug-ins are Weblink and AutoClose. Weblink enables you to follow links and bookmarks to other PDF and HTML documents on the World Wide Web. AutoClose closes the least-recently-used document when you reach the maximum number of open documents. Acrobat Reader prints to PostScript printers. We do not support printing to other printers, such as Sun's NeWSprint or PCL printers. Known Issues with Acrobat Reader ================================ 1. SunOS 4.1.3 or 4.1.4 users running the X11/NeWS server: You must install patch number T100444 (with a minor number greater than 73) to your system before the application can be run. This patch fixes a problem in the X11/NeWS server that prevents all X Window System clients built with Motif 1.2.3 from hanging their server. Under certain circumstances on SunOS 4.1.3 or 4.1.4 systems running this patched X11/NeWS server, the session may still hang due to a different X11/NeWS server problem we recently discovered. The cause of this hang is not yet determined. Multiple clicks in the scroll bars to move the view pane seem to cause this problem. The problem is intermittent and cannot be reproduced with regularity. We are working with Sun to find the cause for this problem. For now we recommend that you run the application with an X11R5 server obtained from a third party or you may obtain the sources for the server from the X Window Consortium, Inc., and build your own. 2. HP-UX users: You might receive warning messages indicating missing fonts. There are several messages you could receive depending on your configuration. - You are displaying on an X server that has no HP-ROMAN8 font defined. The message you receive is: Warning: No fonts available with charset "HP-ROMAN8", using "ISO8859-1" In this situation, upper-ascii characters will display incorrectly. To fix this, change your language to an ISO8859 language (e.g., setenv LANG american.iso88591). - The variable fontList is specified and its encoding doesn't match the encoding of the application. If you specified an ISO font list, you will receive an error that says the encoding for fontList doesn't match the locales encoding. You need to change your LANG variable as listed above. - The Helvetica used by the Motif toolkit is not available on the system in the hp-roman8 encoding. The message you might receive is: Warning: Cannot convert string "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-hp-roman8" to type FontStruct This occurs when you are running on HP but displaying on a non-HP system. To fix this, set an application resource for fontList to specify a font that exists on the system. 3. If Acrobat Reader is started from a directory that cannot be determined then the launch will fail and Reader may become interfaceless but still run. Please run Reader from a directory that the "pwd" command can stat. 4. Files listed in the File menu are "recent files" and depend upon exact path names. If you open a file in a session using and automounter and the automounter goes down, attempting to open the "recent file" will give a "No such file or directory" error. 5. Acrobat Reader does not warn the user when the preferences file cannot be written. Please make sure the '.acrorc' file in your home directory is writable if you wish to save preferences. 6. When exiting Full Screen mode, bookmark and thumbnail views are not displayed. To display them, press the appropriate button in the Tool Bar. 7. Window managers other than those listed in the "Installation and Getting Started Guide" are not supported. 8. Users cannot convert secure PDF documents to PostScript from the command line even though they are able to print the files from Acrobat Reader. 9. We recommend you avoid giving PDF files long names (greater than 32 characters). A Novell server displays the long file name to a Macintosh user, but the Macintosh Operating System prevents Acrobat from opening the file. This is not a problem on Windows because Novell truncates the name to 8.3 structure. 10. All cross-document links made from Windows list the path as all uppercase letters. Acrobat Reader may not be able to locate the file specified in the path if UNIX sees the path in mixed case instead of all upper- or lowercase. 11. Modal dialog boxes may appear to be "lost" behind the main document window. When they are behind the main window, they are still active and prevent the user from doing anything. To bring the dialog to the front, click anywhere in the main window. You can now dismiss the dialog and proceed. 12. If another window or icon obscures the document view, scrolling the window modally using the hand tool or scrollbar thumb to scroll the view may leave newly exposed areas that were underneath the obscuring window unupdated. This occurs only if the window manager's auto raise feature is turned off, the page is not in the page cache, and the user scrolls the document image modally. The document information may be refreshed by changing the view to some other page then back again, causing the viewer to recieve an expose event by obscuring it with another window, or running the "xrefresh" program. You can also work around this problem if you enable the window manager's auto raise feature. Known Issues with Weblink ========================= Acrobat's Weblink plug-in supports Netscape version 1.1 or later and Mosaic version 2.5 or later. The preferences for Weblink are stored in $HOME/.weblink. - Issues working with Netscape: 1. When launching Netscape from Acrobat Reader, you get a locale warning message on your command line: netscape-v11N: locale: `iso_8859_1' not supported by Xlib; using `C' this is nothing to be alarmed about. -Issues working with Mosaic: 1. Whenever you pass a Universal Resource Locator (URL) to Mosaic, you get the following messages on your command line: MoCCINewConnection(); I've been called Mosaic: got a CCI connection this is nothing to be alarmed about. 2. Due to a problem with Mosaic, its window does not pop to the front when you click an embedded URL in a PDF file. 3. Mosaic has trouble following subsequent URLs whose base is the same as the previous URL. For example, your first embedded URL is the following: The next embedded URL you click on inside a PDF file is: In this scenario, Mosaic will reload the first URL instead of the second (and correct) URL. Miscellaneaous Information ========================== 1. You may choose to print to any PostScript printer with the following command lines: acroread -toPostScript -pairs myfile.pdf /tmp/$$.ps lp -dprinter_name /tmp/$$.ps rm -f /tmp/$$.ps To generate level 2 PostScript, add the -level2 argument to the command line: acroread -toPostScript -level2 myfile.pdf 2. At the command line, type 'acroread -help' or 'acroread -helpall' for more information on command line options. Note that when using these command lines you must supply a DISPLAY variable if one is not already defined in your environment. 3. Set the following Window manager resources to make Acrobat behave similar to the Windows or Macintosh versions. AutoInputFocus: false If true, the main window will lose focus when the status windows appear and the keyboard accelerators will break. SetInput: select Must click to type in the dialog box. AutoRaise: true Brings the window to the front when it gets the focus. For MWM, these additional resources should be set to maintain behavior closer to Mac and Windows. autoKeyFocus: True When the window is withdrawn, it gives focus to the window that previously had focus. deiconifyKeyFocus: True Gives the window the focus when deiconified. startupKeyFocus: True Gives the window the focus when it's created. keyboardFocusPolicy: explicit Must click to type in the dialog box. focusAutoRaise: True Bring the window to front when it gets focus. 4. Using either BSD- or System5-style printing is controlled by resources set in the .Xdefaults file. The default from Acrobat is System5-style and the associated resource values are as follows: *acroread.lprCommand: /usr/bin/lp *acroread.lprStyle: SYSV To set the resources for BSD-style printing, set the resources as follows: *acroread.lprCommand: /usr/ucb/lpr *acroread.lprStyle: BSD 5. The HP Motif library uses different virtual key bindings than Sun's. As a result, when running on a Sun and displaying on an HP, the keys for DeleteLine, DeleteChar, InsertLine, and InsertChar may not be properly defined by default. You can tell if you get warnings of the form 'Warning: cannot convert string "DeleteChar" to type VirtualBinding'. One consequence of this is that the Esc key on some HP keyboards will not work to exit Full Screen mode. To fix this, load a file with the appropriate key bindings using the "xmbind" command. See the man page for xmbind for where it looks for the file. Check the bindings using "xprop -root | grep BIND". The resulting string should include hpDeleteLine, hpDeleteChar, hpInsertLine, and hpInsertChar. 6. Sometimes the quality of color images on 8-bit pseudocolor displays will suffer because Acrobat can't grab enough colors in the default color table. A color cube is a "block" of colors, n by m by p, that Acrobat reserves for rendering colors. Acrobat looks for the nearest color it can find to the one it wants in this cube. The larger the cube, the finer the color resolution. Color allocation is controlled by four resources: *minColorCube -- the minimum color cube size; default 3 (which reserves 3-cubed colors plus 3x2 grays, or 33 slots in the color table) *targetColorCube -- the size of color cube that Acrobat initially tries to allocate; default 5, yielding 5-cubed colors plus 5x2 grays for 135 color table slots (the largest allowed value is 6, since on an 8-bit color display there are only 256 colors and 7-cubed is greater than 256). If Acrobat can't find the 135 slots that *targetColorCube calls for, it shrinks the color cube by 1 in each dimension successively (5x5x4, then 5x4x4, then 4x4x4, and so on) until it comes up with a number of colors that will fit. If it reaches the *minColorCube size and still can't fit a color cube in the color table, it uses the next resource: *noPrivateColormap: if this is True, failure to fit in the standard color map will cause the image to drop into GrayScale (if the visual is not GrayScale by default, an alert will appear). If it is False, Acrobat will allocate a private color map and allocate its colors there. *usePrivateColormap: if this is True, Acrobat won't even try to fit its colors into the default color map; it will always allocate its own. 7. The following are other resource settings that may be helpful. You can place these in your .XDefaults file. *systemPlugInPath -- the location of plug-ins available to all users of the installed executable; default is $ACRO_INSTALL_DIR/$ACRO_CONFIG/plug_ins. *userPlugInPath -- the location of the user's private plug-ins; default $HOME/plug_ins. *useFrontEndProgram -- controls running a single process of Acrobat (default) or multiple processes; default is True. *noteTitleFontName -- controls the default font used in the titles of Acrobat notes; default is Helvetica. *noteTitleFontSize -- controls the font size used to display the titles of Acrobat notes; default is 12. *bookmarkFontName -- controls the default font used to display bookmarks; default is Helvetica. *bookmarkFontSize -- controls the font size used to display bookmarks; default is 12. *maxOpenDocuments -- controls the maximum number of documents open at any given time; default is 20. Do not set this value below 2. 8. Everytime you print from Acrobat Reader, a dialog will appear with the job ID. You can use the ID to kill the job, if you like. You must dismiss the dialog by clicking OK. 9. On a Tektronics X-Terminal: If displaying a document in Full Screen mode using a black background, a small white line will appear along the bottom and right edges of the background. This is due to a problem in the olwm running locally on the X-Terminal and is not an Acrobat bug. 10. Characters in PDF files that are not part of the ISO8859 encodings will not display when the text is selected and pasted elsewhere. This is most notable with the Registered and Trademark symbols. Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, the Acrobat logo, and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated or its subsidiaries and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. HP is a registered trademark and HP-UX is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Motif is a trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc., which has not tested or approved this product. Sun and OpenWindows are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SPARC is a registered trademark of SPARC International, Inc. SPARCstation is a registered trademark of SPARC International, Inc., licensed exclusively to Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is based upon an architecture developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All other products or name brands are trademarks of their respective holders. copyright 1983 - 1995 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.